The concentrations of total calcium (Ca-tot), of the biologically acti
ve ionized calcium fraction (Ca-ion, and of albumin were measured from
the plasma of 92 healthy cats and 154 patients. Only a moderate corre
lation existed between the concentrations of Ca-tot and Ca-ion (r = 0.
718), so that the concentration of Ca-tot reflects the calcium homeost
asis only to a limited extent. An essential reason for this lies in th
e distinct dependence of the Ca-tot on the albumin concentration (r =
0.628). On the basis of the 2.5 and 97.5% quantil of the healthy cats,
the reference range for Ca-ion was 1.15-1.37 mmol/l (age group greate
r than or equal to 6 months, < 2 years: 1.23-1.38; greater than or equ
al to 2 years: 1.14-1.35 mmol/l), for Ca-tot 2.49-2.87 mmol/l (2.52-2.
92; 2.35-2.81 mmol/l and the fraction of Ca-ion Of the Ca-tot 44.5-50.
6%. Like the Ca-tot, the Ca-ion also showed no dependence on the sex.
Against that, the distinct dependence on age of these two parameters (
p < 0,001), which expresses the decreasing Ca concentration in older a
nimals, should be regarded for a discriminating interpretation of meas
urement results.