The use of modern hardware-description languages in the chip design pr
ocess has allowed designs to be modeled at higher abstraction levels.
More powerful modeling styles, such as register-transfer and behaviora
l level specifications, have spurred the development of high-level syn
thesis techniques in both industry and academia, However, despite the
many research efforts, the technology is not yet in widespread use in
industry. This paper presents the IBM High-Lever Synthesis System (HIS
), which is the first such system to be used in production in IBM, HIS
synthesizes gate-level networks from VHDL models at various levels of
abstraction, The main algorithms, modeling capabilities, and methodol
ogy considerations in the HIS system are presented. Results show that
HIS is capable of producing implementations comparable to or better th
an those of the existing methodology, while shortening the design time
significantly, The HIS system is currently in production use and eval
uation in several IBM sites for processors and peripheral chip designs
, as well as being an external commercial product.