One variation of the spaced-antenna technique for measuring atmospheri
c winds using a pulse Doppler radar is based on a calculation of the c
omplex temporal cross-correlation function for the backscattered field
s detected by a pair of spaced receiving antennas. The delay to the pe
ak of the cross-correlation amplitude, adjusted for the temporal evolu
tion of the backscattered field pattern through an extended analysis,
is related to the so-called trace velocity along the antenna pair base
line, with two nonparallel baselines yielding the full horizontal wind
vector. We suggest an alternative method for inferring the horizontal
wind from the temporal cross correlation. We demonstrate that the slo
pe of the cross-correlation amplitude at zero lag, normalized by the l
evel of the cross-correlation amplitude at zero lag, is directly propo
rtional to the component of the wind velocity along the antenna pair b
aseline. We illustrate that this measure of the horizontal wind is ins
ensitive to the temporal evolution of the backscattered field pattern.
Therefore no extended analysis is needed to estimate the horizontal w
ind vector. The advantage of this approach is that it is a very simple
and direct method of retrieving the horizontal wind. Our theory indic
ates that for many cases of interest the proportionality constant rela
ting the normalized slope to the wind component along the antenna pair
baseline depends only on the transmitting and receiving antenna diame
ters and on the separation between the receiving antennas. This consta
nt can be calculated, or the system can be calibrated against a rawins
onde retrieval. A disadvantage to the slope technique is that it is so
mewhat sensitive to the degree of vertical anisotropy of the scatterin
g medium. We loosely define the degree of vertical anisotropy r as the
ratio of the vertical to horizontal correlation length of refractive
index irregularities having a spatial scale of the order of the Bragg
wavelength lambda/2, where lambda is the radar wavelength. In the neut
ral atmosphere, r typically satisfies 0 < r less-than-or-equal-to 1. W
e find that for a horizontally isotropic, Kolmogorov-type refractive i
ndex spectrum with lambda/2 < L0z, where L0z is the vertical outer sca
le, the slope method is useful provided r is greater than the effectiv
e system beam width lambda/D(e), where D(e) is an effective system ant
enna diameter (approximately equal to the transmitter antenna diameter
). We note that this same restriction ensures that the correlation sca
le of the backscattered field (i.e., the pattern scale) is solely a fu
nction of the antenna diameters. The slope method is therefore limited
to scattering from isotropic to moderately anisotropic turbulence (i.
e., lambda/D(e) < r less-than-or-equal-to 1) provided lambda/2 < L0z a
nd is perhaps best suited for wind profiling in the atmospheric bounda
ry layer. A comparison of horizontal winds obtained by applying the sl
ope technique to data from a 915-MHz spaced-antenna radar and winds fr
om a rawinsonde retrieval showed good agreement.