This article studies home country effects from foreign direct investme
nt. Previous studies have shown a positive covariation between foreign
production production and exports. If this relation is extended, a po
sitive covariation should also be expected between foreign and domesti
c investments. Sweden is one of few industrial countries for which dat
a is available that makes a study of the relation between these types
of investments possible. When the relation is studied for the period 1
982 to 1992 a significant negative covariation is found between knowle
dge-intensive companies' investments in Sweden and in the EU. Hence, a
s a response to a fear of a ''fortress Europe'' knowledge-intensive in
vestments have been outlocated. It is hypothesized that a similar resp
onse to the EC 1992 program should also have affected Finland and Norw
ay. The result of a study of the knowledge-intensity of the 10 largest
value-added contributors in each of the Nordic countries exhibits tha
t the most dramatic decrease in the knowledge-intensity of the industr
ial core has occurred in Sweden, whereas the Norwegian core of industr
y experienced only a small decrease and the Finnish core remained almo
st unaffected.