Heart disease is the number-one cause of death in the United States, a
nd more money is spent on its treatment each year than for any other c
ondition. Both epidemiologic and experimental data clearly show that e
levated plasma cholesterol levels increase the risk of death from coro
nary heart disease. Genetic insufficiencies can cause high blood chole
sterol, but most people with high cholesterol do not have genetic abno
rmalities; rather, they have Lifestyles that include high-fat diets an
d little exercise. Cholesterol can be managed aggressively with corona
ry artery bypass surgery, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplas
ty, partial deal bypass, and even liver transplant. Antihyperlipidemic
drugs include bile-acid-binding resins, nicotinic acid, fibric acid d
erivatives, hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A-reductase inhibitors, and
the antioxidant probucol. Strict programs of low-fat diets and exerci
se are also effective for reducing cholesterol, lowering blood pressur
e, and preventing heart disease without the side effects associated wi
th surgery and drug therapy. Such lifestyle changes are critical to re
ducing the incidence of heart disease iu this country.