The metabolism of energy-yielding compounds in adipose tissues has a p
ivotal role in supplying the energy demands of lactation. In most mamm
als, the relatively high ratio of milk energy production to maintenanc
e demands a cycle of energy storage during pregnancy, lipid mobilizati
on and increased feed intake during lactation, and restoration of body
fat in late lactation or after weaning. In well-fed women, the energy
balance usually remains positive. However, in situations of low-energ
y supply, the stored lipid can be critical to establishment of lactati
on and maintenance of maternal health. There is a commonality among ma
mmals in the adaptative responses during lactation and in their genera
l regulation. However, in rodents and most domestic species the magnit
ude of metabolic response is greater than in women. The importance of
adipose tissue to lactation is demonstrated by the number of highly co
ordinated and redundant control elements that regulate the adaptations
of metabolism. This coordination is carried our by the central nervou
s system through the endocrine organs and the sympathetic nervous syst
em. Recently, insights have been gained into the quantitation of the a
daptations due to rate of milk production, stage of lactation, and int
ake of energy-yielding compounds and the physiological mechanisms of a
ction of several regulatory factors. The intake of nutrients and deman
d for milk precursors have differential effects on the enzymes of lipi
d synthesis and release from adipose tissue, and the equations describ
ing these chemical interconversions vary with stage of lactation, nutr
ient intake, and genetic propensity for milk production. Regulatory me
chanisms that are now better understood include those of the interacti
ons of growth hormone and insulin to control lipogenesis and the activ
ity of the sympathetic nervous system to regulate lipolysis. Improveme
nts in understanding and managing lactational energy metabolism have b
een limited by the complexity of the chemical interconversions of nutr
ients and their regulation. For women specifically, the severe lack of
information on adaptations at the tissue level hinder further advance
ment. Improvement in this area will require a coordinated effort to st
udy both physiological control mechanisms and quantitative parameters
of lipid metabolism.