In this study, the finite element method was used to compute the Frequ
ency responses of honeycomb structures with disbond (delamination). Th
e honeycomb structure was modelled as a three-layer substructure with
the use of a three-dimensional solid polyhedron element. The real eige
nvalue analysis and frequency response analysis were undertaken to stu
dy the natural frequency, amplitude and phase of dynamic response of t
he honeycomb structures. With the selected mesh, computations were per
formed to obtain the natural frequency, amplitude and phase of honeyco
mb structures with free edges or combinations of free and fixed edges.
The influence of different boundary conditions as well as different g
eometries of the structures on the predictions is discussed. In additi
on the influences of applied force, skin thickness and adhesive thickn
ess on these parameters are investigated. Conclusions on the effects o
f these factors are highlighted.