We have used the technique of PET to chart the areas of human cerebral
cortex specifically responsible to an optical pow stimulus simulating
forward motion in depth over a pat horizontal surface. Tile optical f
low display contained about 2000 dots accelerating in radial direction
s away from the focus of expansion, which subjects fixated at the cent
re of rite display monitor Dots remained of constant size, but their d
ensity decreased from the horizon, lying across the middle of the scre
en, to the foreground at the lower screen margin; the top half of the
display was void. For the control stimulus the dot motions were random
ized removing any sensation of motion ill depth and diminishing the im
pression of a pat terrain. Comparison of the regional cerebral blood p
ow (rCBF) elicited bt the optical pow and control stimuli was thus int
ended to reveal any area selectively responsive to the radial velocity
field that is characteristic of optical pow in its simplest natural f
orm. Six subjects were scanned, and analysed as a group. Four subjects
were analysed as individuals, their PET data being co-registered with
MRIs of the cerebrum to localize rCBF changes to individual gyri and
sulci. There were three main areas of activation associated with optic
al flow: the dorsal cuneus (area V3) and the latero-posterior precuneu
s (or superior parietal lobe) in the right hemisphere, and the occipit
o-temporal ventral surface, in the region of the fusiform gyrus, in bo
th hemispheres. There was no significant activation of V1/V2, nor of V
5. These results show that higher stages of motion take place in both
the 'dorsal' and 'ventral' visual pathways, as these are commonly conc
eived and that both may be fed by area V3. The information potentially
derivable from optical flow concerns the direction of heading, and th
e layout of the visual environment, a form of three-dimensional struct
ure from-motion. The perceptual division of labour between the various
activated areas cannot be directly, inferred though it is a reasonabl
e supposition that the parietal activation reflects the utility of opt
ic pow for guiding self-motion.