The agronomic problems associated with high lysine opague-2 maize (Zea
mays L.) could be eliminated with the development of opaque-2 genotyp
es with harder endosperm texture. Two opaque-2 maize synthetics Illino
is Disease Oil Opaque-2 and Illinois Elite Single Cross Opaque-2 were
selected for increased endosperm modification or kernel hardness. Phen
otypic recurrent selection was used to select for increased endosperm
modification for five cycles. Seed from 200 individual selfed plants i
n each synthetic was evaluated for endosperm modification each cycle,
and seed from 40 plants with the highest endosperm modification were i
ntermated to produce the next cycle of selection. Progeny representing
each of the five cycles of each synthetic were evaluated for 2 yr (19
91-1992) in replicated held experiments at Urbane, IL. A split plot ex
periment, using a randomized complete block design, with synthetics as
main plots and cycles as sub-plots, was used to evaluate selection re
sponse. Traits evaluated were endosperm modification, grain yield and
moisture, 100-kernel-weight, plant height, oil, protein, starch, lysin
e content, and lysine/protein ratio. Five cycles of selection showed a
significant increase in endosperm modification, Disease Oil Opaque-2
showing a 42% increase and Elite Single Cross Opaque-2 a 31% increase.
Significant cycle effects were observed for protein and starch conten
t. Significant years x cycles and years x synthetics x cycles interact
ions were observed for several traits but were all of the non-crossove
r type. No changes in the nutritional characteristics of both syntheti
cs were observed as a result of selection for increased endosperm modi
fication. The results were obtained without monitoring lysine or trypt
ophan during selection. Results indicate Corn Belt adapted opaque-2 sy
nthetics with a high degree of endosperm modification can be developed
with appropriate selection procedures.