Two premature siblings described herein had clinical features comparab
le to the fetal akinesia-hypokinesia deformation sequence (Pena-Shokei
r syndrome) with polyhydramnios, intrauterine growth retardation, pulm
onary hypoplasia, short umbilical cord and lethality. Autopsy revealed
no thoracal or abdominal viscera anomalies and examination of the bra
in, spinal cord and peripheral nerves did not disclose any pathologica
l changes. Light microscopy, immunohistochemistry and electron microsc
opy of skeletal muscles demonstrated immature muscles with some fibril
disorganisation and abnormal immunoreactivity for actin and desmin. S
ubsequent molecular genetic analysis revealed a maternal diagnosis of
myotonic dystrophy. The retarded growth and maturation of skeletal mus
cle observed in the presented cases correspond with previous findings
in neonatal myotonic dystrophy. A well-defined myopathy can thus resul
t in the fetal akinesia-hypokinesia deformation sequence.