A physical map of the chromosome of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum
(Nichols), the causative agent of syphilis,,vas constructed from rest
riction fragments produced by NotI, SfiI, and SrfI. These rare-cutting
restriction endonucleases cleaved the T. pallidum genome into 16, 8,
and 15 fragments, respectively. Summation of the physical lengths of t
he fragments indicates that the chromosome of T. pallidum subsp. palli
dum is approximately 1,030 to 1,080 kbp in size. The physical map was
constructed by hybridizing a variety of probes to Southern blots of si
ngle and double digests of T. pallidum genomic DNA separated by contou
r-clamped homogeneous electric field electrophoresis. Probes included
cosmid clones constructed from T. pallidum subsp. pallidum genomic DNA
, restriction fragments excised from gels, and selected genes. Physica
l mapping confirmed that the chromosome of T. pallidum subsp. pallidum
is circular, as the SfiI and SrfI maps formed complete circles. A tot
al of 13 genes, including those encoding five membrane lipoproteins (t
pn47, tpn41, tpn29-35, tpn17, and tpnl5), a putative outer membrane po
rin (tpn50), the flagellar sheath and hook proteins (flaA and flgE), t
he cytoplasmic filament protein (cfpA), 16S rRNA (rrnA), a major sigma
factor (rpoD), and a homolog of cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (cysS), hav
e been localized in the physical map as a first step toward studying t
he genetic organization of this noncultivable pathogen.