In close analogy to fermionic many-body theory the truncation of the b
osonic BBGKY density matrix hierarchy on the two-body level leads to a
coupled set of nonlinear equations of motion for the one-body density
matrix and the two-body correlation function. These equations provide
a nonperturbative description of the nonequilibrium time evolution of
particle-number conserving bosonic many-body systems including the dy
namical resummation of parquet-like diagrams. Within this framework we
study the properties of a pionic system as a function of temperature
and density with focus on two-body quantities. For each temperature we
find a related pion density for which the relative strength of the tw
o-body correlation function assumes a maximum and the pionic system is
far from the mean-field limit. However, these correlated phases up to
T = 200 MeV only appear at pion densities which are very low compared
to those expected in central nucleus-nucleus collisions at SPS or RHI
C energies.