Induction of glutathione S-transferase (GST) enzymes can increase deto
xification of carcinogens and reduce carcinogen-induced mutagenesis an
d tumorigenesis. To determine if the anticarcinogen ellagic acid induc
es cellular enzymes which detoxify carcinogens, we examined the effect
of ellagic acid on the expression of glutathione S-transferase-Ya. Ra
ts fed ellagic acid demonstrated significant increases in total hepati
c GST activity, hepatic GST-Ya activity and hepatic GST-Ya mRNA. To de
termine if the observed increase in GST-Ya mRNA was due to ellagic aci
d inducing transcription of the GST-Ya gene, transfection studies were
performed with plasmid constructs containing various portions of the
5' regulatory region of the rat GST-Ya gene. The transfection studies
demonstrated that ellagic acid increased GST-Ya mRNA by inducing trans
cription of the GST-Ya gene and demonstrated that this induction is me
diated through the antioxidant responsive element of the GST-Ya gene.