Dysfunction of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system is an increasi
ngly recognized, although poorly understood, complication of increasin
g age in experimental animals and man. In this study of young adult (4
-6 months old) and aged (12-24 months old) mice we have examined the u
ltrastructural appearance of perikarya, dendritic processes, pretermin
al axons, and synapses in selected sympathetic ganglia as well as the
three-dimensional structure of the dendritic arborizations of principa
l sympathetic neurons using intracellular injections of Lucifer Yellow
. Ultrastructural examination demonstrated numerous markedly enlarged
presynaptic terminal axons and synapses which distorted the contours o
f perikarya and dendrites of neurons within the prevertebral celiac/su
perior mesenteric and paravertebral superior cervical and stellate sym
pathetic ganglia of aged mice. Dilated preterminal axons had the disti
nctive ultrastructural appearance of neuroaxonal dystrophy, a patholog
ic process described in a wide variety of clinical and experimental en
tities. Dystrophic axons were identical in ultrastructural appearance
in young and old animals, differing only in frequency. A distinctive t
ype of ultrastructural alteration, characterized by markedly distended
neurites containing numerous vacuoles, was confined to the superior c
ervical ganglia and also increased in frequency with aging. Although m
any intraganglionic vacuolated processes disappeared with surgical int
erruption of the cervical sympathetic trunk, which contains the pregan
glionic axons innervating the superior cervical ganglia, others persis
ted. In addition, the presence in some processes of admired ribosomes,
lipofuscin, or continuity with the cell body indicated that numerous
neuritic alterations within aged sympathetic ganglia were Likely of de
ndritic origin. Intracellular injections of Lucifer Yellow into princi
pal sympathetic neurons demonstrated that the dendritic arborizations
of the celiac/superior mesenteric ganglia neurons of young adult mice
were significantly more complex and extensive than those of the superi
or cervical ganglia. Sympathetic neurons of aged superior cervical gan
glia, but not superior mesenteric ganglia, appeared significantly smal
ler with regard to total dendritic length, extent, and branching when
compared to those of young animals. In the aged superior cervical gang
lia, short, stunted dendritic processes also exhibited large, focal, o
ften multiple, swellings, a phenomenon infrequently observed in the su
perior cervical ganglia of young animals. The celiac/superior mesenter
ic ganglia of aged or young adult mouse failed to exhibit comparable d
endritic swellings. These observations may provide a neuropathological
basis for understanding age-related changes in autonomic function obs
erved in animals and man, and provide a model system in which age-rela
ted pathogenetic mechanisms resulting in neuroaxonal dystrophy and den
dritic alterations can be studied.