An open ocean, deep water air-sea interaction experiment was conducted
in the Gulf of Alaska. Wave amplitude and slope data were measured us
ing a WAVEC heave, pitch, and roll buoy that was let drift in the Alas
ka gyre. Wind stress estimates were obtained from a fast-sample anemom
eter using the dissipation technique and from synoptic measurements th
rough a boundary-layer model. The fundamental correlation and predicti
ve relationships between wind friction velocity and wave spectral prop
erties were established. A comparison of the slope spectrum to simulta
neous wind stresses allowed us to estimate the Phillips proposed unive
rsal constant beta. Reintroducing this constant beta into the Phillips
slope spectrum and using measured slope spectral characteristics, an
inferred wind stress was calculated that was shown to agree well with
both the dissipation and model stresses thereby validating both Philli
ps theory and the boundary-layer model. Any discrepancies with the mod
el stresses were attributed to second-order wave age effects. The roug
hness length z(0), nondimensionalized by the sea rms wave height, was
shown to decrease with wave age in a manner consistent with Kitaigorod
skii's functional form. A general expression for C-d as a function of
wind speed or friction velocity and wave age was proposed and verified
with independent data.