Ultra-short-pulse reflectometry is studied by means of the numerical i
ntegration of a one-dimensional full-wave equation for ordinary modes
propagating in a plasma. The numerical calculations illustrate the pot
ential of using the reflection of ultra-short-pulse microwaves as an e
ffective probe of the density profile even in the presence of density
fluctuations in a plasma. The difference in time delays of differing f
requency components of the microwaves can be used to deduce the densit
y profile. The modification of the reflected pulses in the presence of
density fluctuations is examined and can be understood based on consi
derations of Bragg resonance. A simple and effective profile-reconstru
ction algorithm using the zero-crossings of the reflected pulse and su
bsequent Abel inversion is demonstrated. The robustness of the profile
reconstruction algorithm in the presence of a sufficiently small-ampl
itude density perturbation is assessed. The reconstruction algorithm b
egins to fail when the scaled density perturbation is large enough to
invalidate the first Born approximation description of scattering by d
ensity fluctuations.