Empirical results concerning an importance of various future expectati
ons and a self-system of adolescents are included in this article. A S
cale of Future Expectations, Identity Style Inventory, Self Modalities
Inventory, and Self-Esteem Scale were presented to 445 adolescents (a
ge from 13 to 18 years). The most of possible future goals were assess
ed as important. Gender and age differences were found. Concerning the
ir future life, girls reported a higher importance of good interperson
al relationships and family, boys asserted the importance of their own
social prestige and their own career. Younger adolescents reported hi
gher importance of career and family life, older presented higher impo
rtance of future leisure time. The various aspects of adolescents self
-system are related to five more general domains of future expectation
. The level of self-esteem, gender and age of adolescents predicted th
e importance of social prestige. Informational and normative styles of
identity, as well as importance of self-assessment according to autho
rities and importance of ideal self according to parents were related
to future prosocial orientation. The importance of future family life
was not predicted from adolescents self-system. Future leisure time wa
s positively related to high importance of self-assessment according t
o peers. The relationships between future leisure activities and self-
assessment according to parents were negative. The importance of basic
values (health, career, and money) was predicted from the importance
of self according to parents and from normative oriented identity styl