Since 1990, the National Cancer institute (NCI) has screened more than
60,000 compounds against a panel of 60 human cancer cell lines, The 5
0-percent growth-inhibitory concentration (GI(50)) for any single cell
line is simply an index of cytotoxicity or cytostasis, but the patter
ns of 60 such GI(50) values encode unexpectedly rich, detailed informa
tion on mechanisms of drug action and drug resistance. Each compound's
pattern is like a fingerprint, essentially unique among the many bill
ions of distinguishable possibilities. These activity patterns are bei
ng used in conjunction with molecular structural features of the teste
d agents to explore the NCI's database of more than 460,000 compounds,
and they are providing insight into potential target molecules and mo
dulators of activity in the 60 cell lines, For example, the informatio
n is being used to search for candidate anticancer drugs that are not
dependent on intact p53 suppressor gene function for their activity. I
t remains to be seen how effective this information-intensive strategy
will be at generating new clinically active agents.