We propose a continuous Wick rotation for Dirac, Majorana and Weyl spi
nors from Minkowski spacetime to Euclidean space which treats fermions
on the same footing as bosons, The result is a recipe to construct a
supersymmetric Euclidean theory from any supersymmetric Minkowski theo
ry. This Wick rotation is identified as a complex Lorentz boost in a f
ive-dimensional space and acts uniformly on bosons and fermions. For M
ajorana and Weyl spinors our approach is reminiscent of the traditiona
l Osterwalder-Schrader approach in which spinors are ''doubled'' but t
he action is not hermitian. However, for Dirac spinors our work provid
es a link to the work of Schwinger and Zumino in which hermiticity is
maintained but spinors are not doubled, Our work differs from recent w
ork by Mehta since we introduce no external metric and transform only
the basic fields.