MOST naturally occurring sounds are modulated in amplitude or frequenc
g; important examples include animal vocalizations and species-specifi
c communication signals in mammals, insects, reptiles, birds and amphi
bians(1-9). Deciphering the information from amplitude-modulated (AM)
sounds is a well-understood process, requiring a phase locking of prim
ary auditory afferents to the modulation envelopes(10-12). The mechani
sm for decoding frequency modulation (FM) is not as clear because the
FM envelope is flat (Fig. 1). One biological solution is to monitor am
plitude fluctuations in frequency-tuned cochlear filters as the instan
taneous frequency of the FM sweeps through the passband of these filte
rs, This view postulates an FM-to-AM transduction whereby a change in
frequency is transmitted as a change in amplitude(13,14). This is an a
ppealing idea because, if such transduction occurs early in the audito
ry pathway, it provides a neurally economical solution to how the audi
tory system encodes these important sounds. Here we illustrate that an
FM and AM sound must be transformed into a common neural code in the
brain stem. Observers can accurately determine if the phase of an FM p
resented to one ear is leading or lagging, by only a fraction of a mil
lisecond, the phase of an AM presented to the other ear. A single intr
acranial image is perceived, the spatial position of which is a functi
on of this phase difference.