Many stochastic process models for environmental data sets assume a pr
ocess of relatively simple structure which is in some sense partially
observed. That is, there is an underlying process (X(n), n greater tha
n or equal to 0) or (X(t), t greater than or equal to 0) for which the
parameters are of interest and physically meaningful, and an observab
le process (Y-n, n greater than or equal to 0) or (Y-t, t greater than
or equal to 0) which depends on the X process but not otherwise on th
ose parameters. Examples are wide ranging: the Y process may be the X
process with missing observations; the Y process may be the X process
observed with a noise component; the X process might constitute a rand
om environment for the Y process, as with hidden Markov models; the Y
process might be a lower dimensional function or reduction of the X pr
ocess. In principle, maximum likelihood estimation for the X process p
arameters can be carried out by some form of the EM algorithm applied
to the Y process data. In the paper we review some current methods for
exact and approximate maximum likelihood estimation. We illustrate so
me of the issues by considering how to estimate the parameters of a st
ochastic Nash cascade model for runoff. In the case of k reservoirs, t
he outputs of these reservoirs form a k dimensional vector Markov proc
ess, of which only the kth coordinate process is observed usually at a
discrete sample of time points.