We review the current status of fuzzy-trace theory. The presentation i
s organized around five topics. First, theoretical ideas that immediat
ely preceded the development of fuzzy-trace theory are sketched. Secon
d, experimental findings that challenged those ideas (e.g., memory-rea
soning independence, the intuitive nature of mature reasoning) are sum
marized. Third, the core assumptions that comprised the initial versio
n of fuzzy-trace theory are described. Fourth, some modifications to t
hose assumptions are explored that were necessitated by subsequent exp
erimental findings. Fifth, four areas of experimentation are considere
d in which research under the aegis of fuzzy-trace theory is in progre
ss: (a) suggestibility and false memories; (b) judgment and decision m
aking; (c) the development of forgetting; and (d) the development of r