Study objective: To determine whether ambulance transport time from th
e scene to the emergency department is faster with warning lights and
siren than that without. Design: In a convenience sample, transport ti
mes and routes of ambulances using lights and sirens were recorded by
an observer. The time also was recorded by a paramedic who drove an am
bulance without lights and siren over identical routes during simulate
d transports at the same time of day and on the same day of the week a
s the corresponding lights-and-siren transport. Setting: An emergency
medical service system in a city with a population of 46,000. Particip
ants: Emergency medical technicians and paramedics. Results: Fifty tra
nsport times with lights and siren averaged 43.5 seconds faster than t
he transport times without lights and siren [t=4.21, P=.0001]. Conclus
ion: In this setting, the 43.5-second mean time savings does not warra
nt the use of lights and siren during ambulance transport, except in r
are situations or clinical circumstances.