The structure of a hard sphere fluid restricted by permeable walls of
thickness of the order of a molecular diameter is investigated by both
computer simulation and theory. The permeable walls are represented b
y barriers with a finite height. Such a model has been introduced prev
iously in the study of the behaviour of fluids in connected pores and
of osmosis. Apart from the understanding of these processes that such
a model can provide, the model also proves to be a good one on which t
o test different theories. These theories are all derived from density
functionals and include Percus-Yevick (PY), hypernetted chain (HNC),
Meister-Kroll and a modified form of Meister-Kroll. A surprising featu
re of the results is that, when compared with simulation, HNC provides
as good density profiles as the more sophisticated theories. Presumab
ly this will no longer be true when the theories are applied to fluids
of molecules with long-range attractions. Not surprisingly, the predi
ctions of PY get steadily worse as both the fluid density and the heig
ht of the barriers increase. None of the approximations agrees with th
e results of simulation over the entire range of parameters investigat