The antiparasite agent pentamidine has been shown to inhibit human pla
telet aggregation in vitro at concentrations that (potentially) may be
attained in patient plasma after the administration of the drug by ne
bulizer. We measured platelet aggregation in platelet-rich plasma (PRP
) before and after the administration of 300 mg nebulized pentamidine
to 10 HIV-positive patients with severe haemophilia on prophylaxis aga
inst Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. All patients had normal platelet
counts. PAF-acether, U46619, collagen and ADP at different concentrati
ons were used as agonists. Platelet aggregation was lower in PRP sampl
es taken at the end of pentamidine administration and Ih thereafter th
an in samples taken at the same time points in control experiments (wi
thout the administration of pentamidine). The inhibition of platelet a
ggregation was mild and tended to be overcome by higher concentrations
of platelet agonists. The bleeding time was prolonged from 5 to 15 mi
n in one patient but did not change in the remaining nine patients. In
conclusion, this controlled study shows that nebulized pentamidine in
hibits platelet aggregation in HN-positive haemophiliacs without signi
ficantly affecting their bleeding times. Although this mild inhibitory
effect may not be clinically relevant in haemophiliacs with normal pl
atelet counts despite their defect in intrinsic coagulation, patients
with HIV-related thrombocytopenia should be monitored to detect any ex
cessive prolongation of their bleeding times after nebulized pentamidi