The demographic history of India was examined by comparing mtDNA seque
nces obtained from members of three culturally divergent Indian subpop
ulations (endogamous caste groups). While an inferred tree revealed so
me clustering according to caste affiliation, there was no clear separ
ation into three genetically distinct groups along caste lines. Compar
ison of pairwise nucleotide difference distributions, however, did ind
icate a difference in growth patterns between two of the castes. The B
rahmin population appears to have undergone either a rapid expansion o
r steady growth. The low-ranking Mukri caste, however, may have either
maintained a roughly constant population size or undergone multiple b
ottlenecks during that period. Comparison of the Indian sequences to t
hose obtained from other populations, using a tree, revealed that the
Indian sequences, along with ah other non-African samples, form a star
like cluster. This cluster may represent a major expansion, possibly o
riginating in southern Asia, taking place at some point after modern h
umans initially left Africa.