There are many works on decentralization, but few of them have studied
in a systematic way the power relations that are associated with the
transfer of attributions from a superior level to an inferior level of
government. In order to compensate for these shortcomings a conceptua
l framework and two research proposals are formulated about the differ
ent components of decentralization and the power relations pertaining
to them. The model is then applied to various decentralization policie
s which were adopted since the 1980s in different countries. Two main
conclusions can be drawn from this study. First, in the power relation
s between the actors of the different levels of government, those of t
he superior level are maintaining their domination by controlling the
more important resources in the new relationships created by the decen
tralization policies. Second, the actors of the superior level of gove
rnment are seeking to present their domination as plausible with refer
ence to some values generally associated with centralization or decent