The performance of an organism is the crucial link between its phenoty
pe and its ecological success. When does an organism's morphology affe
ct its performance? Quantitative mechanistic analyses of how function
depends on biological form have shown that the relationship between mo
rphology and performance can be nonlinear, context-dependent, and some
times surprising. In some cases, small changes in morphology or simple
changes in size can lead to novel functions, while in other cases cha
nges in form can occur without performance consequences. Furthermore,
the effect of a specific change in morphology can depend on the size,
shape, stiffness, or habitat of an organism. Likewise, a particular ch
ange in posture or behavior can produce opposite effects when performe
d by bodies with different morphologies. These mechanistic studies not
only reveal potential misconceptions that can arise from the descript
ive statistical analyses often used in ecological and evolutionary res
earch, but they also show how new functions, and novel consequences of
changes in morphology, can arise simply as the result of changes in s
ize or habitat. Such organismal-level mechanistic research can be used
in concert with other tools to gain insights about issues in ecology(
e.g. foraging, competition, disturbance, keystone species, functional
groups) and evolution (e.g. adaptation, interpretation of fossils, and
origin of novelty).