Insulin/insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) hybrid receptors are comp
osed of an ap-heterodimer from an insulin receptor and an alpha beta h
eterodimer from an IGF-I receptor. In this study, we evaluate the effe
ct of insulin receptor overexpression on hybrid formation. The more hu
man insulin receptors expressed in rodent fibroblasts, the greater the
percentage of endogenous rat IGF-I receptors that form hybrid recepto
rs. The IGF-I receptor in rodent fibroblasts has two receptor isoforms
, one with a 95-kilodalton (kDa) beta-subunit and one with an 105 kDa
beta-subunit. A truncated mutant insulin receptor was used to demonstr
ate that only activated IGF-I receptors with the 105-kDa beta-subunit
form hybrid receptors with the insulin receptor. Insulin/IGF-I hybrid
receptors with a kinase-defective insulin heterodimer undergo trans an
d a small amount of cis autophosphorylation, but overall autophosphory
lation is markedly decreased from that seen in hybrids with a kinase-c
ompetent insulin receptor. The kinase-defective insulin receptor heter
odimer functions as a dominant-negative, inhibiting phosphorylation by
the kinase-competent IGF-I receptor heterodimer. The kinase-defective
hybrid receptors are, however, able to undergo internalization. Despi
te an increasing percentage of insulin/IGF-I hybrid receptors in the t
hree cell lines studied, the rates of IGF-I internalization and degrad
ation remain similar to those mediated by the IGF-I receptor and disti
nct from those of insulin receptor heterotetramers. In conclusion, IGF
-I-stimulated insulin/IGF-I hybrid receptors function like IGF-I recep
tors, rather than like insulin receptors.