phe legal measures for abortion regulation are directed at: abortion p
revention, freedom and restriction to some indications. The law, deont
ology and conscience make the three-fold barrier put up against intent
ional abortion. However, when the barrier prescribed by the law declin
es, the personal attitude against the spread of abortion is given the
greatest value. Some consider that individual life starts with concept
ion, but they don't admit that it is a human being or a person. Others
admit that the foetus at conception is a human being, but not a perso
n, while some others give it a complete personality already at concept
ion. Due to the circumstances in which conception has occurred or due
to established anomalies, the foetus can be understood as something th
reatening, worthless and even hateful. The closest persons to the foet
us consider that they have the exclusive right to define its value, i.
e. the father and the mother who have conceived it; especially the mot
her because she bears it. The foetus is theirs and it can be considere
d as a special form of property that they would never renounce. From t
he ethical point of view, human life is valuable from tile beginning.
It is well known that at the moment of conception everything that will
develop during intrauterine life already exists. it means that the hu
man being is from the very beginning what it is in its body and soul,
and only further formation of its body and soul is still to follow.