The genetic basis of flowering time in F-2 progeny derived from a cros
s of Mimulus guttatus was studied using seven unlinked isozyme markers
. Each marker represented a specific chromosomal segment; its cosegreg
ation with flowering time was used to characterize genes affecting flo
wering time. Three of the seven chromosomal segments were found to sho
w significant, partially dominant effects on the expression of floweri
ng time. These effects were relatively small, with segments marked by
Me, 6Pgd2, and Tpi individually explaining only 2.3, 2.5, and 9.2 perc
ent of total phenotypic variance, respectively. No significant pairwis
e epistasis was observed between any marked chromosomal segments. The
results of this study indicate that the quantitative variation of flow
ering time in M. guttatus has a partial genetic basis, likely to consi
st of multiple genes of relatively small, partially dominant effects,
with the potential to respond to natural selection.