Study Design. Segmental deformations of the lumbar spine in asymptomat
ic volunteers measured radiologically were compared with those in pati
ents who underwent anterior interbody fusion. Objective. To determine
the effects of anterior lumbar interbody fusion on the juxta-fused seg
ments. Summary of Background Data. Stiffness of a spinal segment after
fusion was thought to be the cause of the degeneration process at the
juxta-fused segments. Methods. Segmental deformations of the lumbar s
pine, from maximum extension to maximum flexion, in 30 asymptomatic vo
lunteers and 52 pain-free patients who had single-level L4-L5 or doubl
e-level L4-S1 fusion were measured and compared. Results. The total fl
exibility of the lumbar spine was decreased after a single-level fusio
n and further decreased after double-level fusions. The segmental defo
rmations of the juxta-fused segments also were decreased after either
a single- or double-level fusion. Conclusions. During normal flexion a
nd extension of the lumbar spine, the juxta-fused segments were not de
formed beyond their physiological limits after fusion. Thus, accelerat
ed degeneration observed at a juxta-fused segment is unlikely to be at
tributable to hypermobility.