An experiment was carried out with four 3 m(3) land-based mesocosms in
May/June 1993. The mesocosms were supplied with a high nutrient loadi
ng, and 4 different amounts (20, 40, 80 and 160) of 17-19 mm blue muss
els (Mytilus edulis). Phytoplankton development, concentrations of nut
rients, primary production, bacterial production, and mussel growth we
re followed during four weeks. Phytoplankton biomass was significantly
reduced in the mesocosms with the highest mussel biomass. The phytopl
ankton in the mesocosm with the highest mussel biomass had a higher pr
oportion of diatoms than the other mesocosms. Phytoplankton growth rat
es were highest in the mesocosms with high mussel biomass, which was e
xplained as the result of a shift towards faster growing algae (diatom
s) and increased nutrient availability. The reduction in phytoplankton
biomass by grazing was higher than the increase of phytoplankton grow
th rates. As a consequence, total primary production was lowest in the
mesocosm with high mussel biomass. Due to intraspecific food competit
ion, mussel growth rate was reduced in the mesocosm with the highest m
ussel biomass. Mussel growth rate in the mesocosm with the lowest muss
el biomass was reduced as well. This could not be explained from phyto
plankton biomass or production, and it is suggested that reduced food
quality was the cause.