Data from a longitudinal clinical trial funded by the National Institu
te of Aging, testing the effects of staff education and consultation o
n restraint reduction in nursing homes, were used to examine disturbin
g behaviors in institutionalized elders and to identify related enviro
nmental and personal characteristics. Subjects were 586 residents from
three well-matched nursing homes. Kayser-Jone's (1989) model on envir
onment and quality of life in long-term care institutions served as th
e organizing framework. Data on disturbing behaviors from the Psychoge
riatric Dependency Rating Scale were factor analyzed. Three factors, A
gitated Psychomotor Behaviors, Aggressive Interpersonal Communication,
and Expressive Difficulty, emerged from the principal factor analysis
and accounted for 35% of the variance. The Kayser-Jones model partial
ly explained Agitated Psychomotor Behavior (R(2) = .22). A model compa
rison approach indicated that the addition of an organizational variab
le, staff mix, significantly increased the amount of variance explaine
d over and above that contributed by the personal variables.