This review summarizes the results obtained on meiosis in protists in
the last 14 years. Special attention is drawn to the discovery of sexu
al phenomena in protozoan groups which were earlier considered asexual
and to the rather widespread occurrence among the protists of heterop
hasic life cycles (with ''intermediate'' meiosis). Synaptonemal comple
xes are considered markers of early parallel chromosome pairing which
is typical of two-divisional meiosis. Two-divisional meiosis (though s
ometimes achiasmatic) seems to be the general rule among protists, inc
luding the Apicomplexa and the dinoflagellates. One-divisional meiosis
seems to be rather a rarity having independent and secondary origin (
in some flagellates from the gut of Cryptocercus). These cases need re
investigation with modern methods.