Solutions to the diffusion equation for nonuniform media are difficult
to obtain in a form that can be easily evaluated. Often the solutions
are written as the inverse Laplace transform of an inverse Fourier tr
ansform. In this paper, I show that the wave transform of Bragg and De
ttman (1968) coupled with the Cagniard-de Hoop method for solving the
wave propagation problem results in simplified solutions to the proble
m of pressure transient testing in linear composite reservoirs. The po
tential usefulness of an inverse wave transform, which would transform
measured pressure data (smooth) into a wave signal propagating at the
'velocity' of the square root of the diffusivity, is demonstrated by
a synthetic example. In the example, diffusivity of the source region
is estimated from the 'time' of the direct wave arrival, white diffusi
vity of a second, higher diffusivity region is estimated from the 'vel
ocity' of the head wave. In the wave domain the time-like variable has
units of (time)(1/2) which makes the units of 'velocity' equal to LT-
((1/2)). I also demonstrate, using synthetic data, that it is difficul
t, but perhaps possible, to invert the wave transform numerically.