We report the clinical, SPET, immunohistochemical and DNA features of
an early-onset familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) in an Argentine pedi
gree of South American indian ethnic background. Pedigree spans 5 gene
rations comprising more than 110 biological relatives. Clinical data s
upported the diagnosis of early onset FAD (mean age at onset 38.9 year
s) in 10 family members, including 3 with pathological confirmation (m
ean age at death 48.5). The pattern of transmission suggested autosoma
l dominant inheritance. Prominent features were mood changes, early la
nguage impairment, myoclonus, seizures and cerebellar signs. SPET disp
layed bilateral frontal, temporo-parietal and cerebellar hypoperfusion
in early stages and in an asymptomatic member at risk, suggesting tha
t SPET may have predictive value in this family. Immunohistochemistry
showed beta amyloid deposits within neuritic plaques and vessel walls
and no anti-PrP immunoreactivity. DNA analysis showed no abnormalities
in the beta amyloid precursor protein gene. The identification of add
itional genetic defects in well characterized independent FAD pedigree
s will contribute to the understanding of the pathogenesis of Alzheime
r's disease.