Objectives. To evaluate and characterize erectile manifestations assoc
iated with sickle cell disease using nocturnal penile tumescence testi
ng with polysomnography (NPT/PSG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
of the penis. Methods. Six variably potent men with sickle cell disea
se, of whom 5 reported a history of priapism, underwent comprehensive
evaluations of erectile function. Evaluations involved a medical histo
ry and physical examination with completion of priapism and sexual fun
ction questionnaires, followed by NPT/PSG and MRI of the penis. Result
s. Many different erectile abnormalities were identified in this group
using NPT/PSG, although nocturnal erection durations as well as detum
escence times were uniformly prolonged. Various axial rigidity measure
ments were obtained, which correlated fairly well with individual repo
rts of erectile function. MRI findings ranged from normal corporeal an
atomy to corporeal destruction with intracorporeal fibrosis and hemosi
derin deposition. Conclusions. In sickle cell disease, the erectile dy
sfunction that commonly occurs may be markedly different among men wit
h this disease and may not always be predicted on the basis of clinica
l history of priapism. Generally, clinical assessments of erectile fun
ction may be derived from clinical histories and physical examinations
. NPT/PSG and MRI of the penis are in accord with these assessments, o
bviating their routine use, although they may be valuable management a
djuncts in certain situations.