Objectives. To demonstrate the effectiveness of an extravesical approa
ch to refluxing ureters associated with paraureteral diverticula. Meth
ods. Over a 39-month period, 23 children underwent repair of Hutch div
erticula with refluxing ureters using an extravesical approach. Sevent
een had unilateral reflux with an ipsilateral diverticulum, 4 had bila
teral reflux with a unilateral diverticulum, and 2 had bilateral reflu
x with bilateral diverticula. Overall, 25 ureters with associated dive
rticula were repaired. Results. Twenty ureters were repaired with a no
ndismembered technique and 5 with a dismembered technique. Twenty-two
of the 23 patients (96%) were successfully repaired with this approach
. Three patients had transient reflux postoperatively, which resolved
spontaneously within 6 months. One patient who underwent bilateral dis
membered procedures for bilateral diverticula has persistent unilatera
l grade II reflux postoperatively. No patient developed ureteral obstr
uction. Conclusions. The major advantage of this technique is seen in
the minimal postoperative morbidity. The extravesical approach is a sa
fe, simple, and effective method for the management of a refluxing ure
ter with an associated diverticulum.