Patients with gynecologic malignancies may develop stenosis of the lar
ge pelvic veins as a result of their disease or its treatment. The per
cutaneous insertion of a stainless steel vascular stent is a novel app
roach to the management of an extrinsically compressed vein. The objec
tive of this study was to review the results of treating lower extremi
ty edema secondary to a pelvic venous stenosis through the percutaneou
s insertion of a stainless steel vascular stent. A retrospective revie
w was performed on gynecologic oncology patients who presented with an
edematous lower extremity and underwent an evaluation to diagnose pro
ximal venous stenosis. The evaluation included sonography, venography,
and balloon angioplasty prior to the percutaneous insertion of a stai
nless steel vascular stent. If a venous thrombosis was documented, thr
ombolysis with urokinase was performed prior to evaluation for venous
stenosis. Records were reviewed for the etiology of the venous stenosi
s, the location and type of stent inserted, and the ability of the ste
nt to maintain patency and provide symptomatic relief. Patency was eva
luated at 1-week and then at 1-, 3-, and 6-month intervals. The probab
ility of vascular stent patency was calculated using life table analys
is. Ten patients with cervical (n = 4), corpus (n = 3), ovarian (n = 1
), vulvar (n = 1), and vaginal (n = 1) cancer had one or more vascular
stents inserted for the treatment of a stenosed pelvic vein. The etio
logies of venous stenosis were radiation fibrosis and surgery (n = 5),
postoperative fibrosis (n = 3), and metastatic tumor (n = 2). The ste
nted vessels were the left common (n = 5) or left external (n = 4) ili
ac veins, the right common (n = 1) or right external (n = 3) iliac vei
ns, and the right common femoral vein (n = 1). The median follow-up wa
s 21 months. All patients had subjective resolution of their edematous
extremity while the stents were patent. The interval probability of p
atency of stented veins was greater than 85% at each evaluation interv
al. Patency was 100% for patients beyond 6 months of follow-up. There
were no major complications. The percutaneous intravascular insertion
of a stainless steel stent was safe and subjectively effective in the
management of venous stenosis associated with a gynecologic cancer. A
prospective trial with objective endpoints may be warranted. (C) 1995
Academic Press, Inc.