Rd. Schlueter, UNDULATORS FOR SHORT-WAVELENGTH FEL AMPLIFIERS, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 358(1-3), 1995, pp. 44-47
Issues critical to the design of undulators for use in short wavelengt
h FEL amplifiers, such as attainable on-axis field strength, device co
mpactness, field quality, required magnetic gap, and strong focusing s
chemes, are discussed. The relative strength of various undulator tech
nologies, including pure permanent magnet, hybrid, warm electromagneti
c, pulsed, and superconducting electromagnetic devices in both helical
and planar configurations, are reviewed. Favored design options for p
roposed short wavelength FELs, such as the Linac Coherent Light Source
at SLAG and the DUV Free-Electron Laser at BNL, are presented.