Intensive measurements of the fluxes of phosphorus (P) and of P retent
ion were carried out in a Danish lowland watershed (Gjern Angstrom) du
ring two hydrological years (June 1987 to May 1989). Seasonal and shor
t-term variations of P concentrations were measured by intensive autom
atic sampling covering P fluxes from the entire Gjern Angstrom watersh
ed and two subcatchments: the Gelbaek and Lake Sobygard. Moreover, inf
requent sampling was performed in all major tributaries of the river s
ystem. Transport of P compounds (dissolved and particulate P) exposed
a seasonal pattern which was highly affected by flow conditions, instr
eam processes, as well as point and non-point sources. Stormflow P tra
nsport during the two study years (1987-8 and 1988-9) constituted 56 a
nd 61% in the Gelbaek, respectively, compared with 25 and 23% in the G
jern Angstrom, respectively. Particulate P transport in the Gelbaek co
nstituted 56 and 75% of annual total P transport during the two years
compared with 77 and 75% in the Gjern Angstrom. The magnitude of month
ly baseflow and stormflow total P loads was significantly correlated w
ith the mean monthly discharge during baseflow and stormflow in the Ge
lbaek, whereas only stormflow loads were correlated to discharge in th
e Gjern Angstrom. In situ measurements of retention showed that the ma
ximum amount of P stored in the Gelbaek during summer (June to August)
was 22 g P m(-2) (1988) compared with 27 g P m(-2) (1987) in the Gjer
n A. Lake Sobygard was a P source during summer but a P sink during wi
nter and on an annual basis the net P released was 810 and 1420 kg, wh
ich corresponded to 7 and 20% of the annual P export from the watershe
d, respectively. Retention constituted about 30% of gross P transport
in the Gelbaek during summer compared with 20% in the Gjern Angstrom.
Resuspension of retained P during stormflows in September 1987 constit
uted 94% of the stormflow P transport and 54% of the total P transport
. Monthly total P and dissolved reactive P (DRP) mass balances for the
main channel of the Gjern Angstrom revealed a significant DRP retenti
on over 17 months (p < 0.05) caused by P adsorption on sediments and b
iological uptake. On an annual basis the main channel was a sink of DR
P (1220 and 1660 kg P) but a source of total P (3440 and 1000 kg P), i
mplying that the channel is an important source of particulate P. Bank
erosion proved to be a significant P source in the main channel of Gj
ern Angstrom, whereas P delivery from soil erosion was possibly of min
or importance. The annual non-point P export from two intensively samp
led catchments was significantly higher (0.89 and 0.45 kg P ha(-1) yr(
-1)) than from the five extensively sampled subbasins (0.43 and 0.17 k
g P ha(-1) yr(-1)). No significant relationship could be established b
etween non-point P export acid the proportion of arable land and soil
type. Only for the wet year of 1987-8 was a significant relationship e
stablished between non-point P export and the P load from scattered dw
ellings outside sewage areas in five subbasins.