The semiempirical MO method SINDO1 was used for the investigation of m
olecular and dissociative adsorption of water at titanium dioxide surf
aces rutile (110) and anatase (001). The surfaces were simulated with
model clusters. The influence of long-range interactions was accounted
for by increase of the clusters. It was shown that a qualitatively an
d semiquantitatively correct description of adsorption is possible onl
y with sufficiently large model clusters and under consideration of lo
cal relaxations. In agreement with the literature, the dissociative ad
sorption is energetically favored at both surfaces. For the rutile (11
0) surface the water adsorption was studied also in the case of oxygen
defects. The adsorption energies at defect positions were found to be
higher by a factor of two to three than for the ideal surface. This c
onfirms experimental investigations which find increased activity at s
urfaces with defects. The local relaxation at the defect site plays an
important role for the determination of relative stabilities of diffe
rent adsorption sites. A potential curve was calculated for the dissoc
iation of a water molecule adsorbed at a rutile (110) surface, and the
influence of hydrogen bonding and local relaxation on the reaction ba
rrier was determined.