Liver regeneration in the rat following partial heparectomy (PH) is a
frequently used model to study regulatory mechanisms in relation to ce
ll growth and differentiation. In the present study, we analysed quant
itative changes in the peripheral circulation of a number of important
serum proteins following PH and laparotomy. Alpha-fetoprotein synthes
is was induced in the PH rats and remained at very low levels in non-o
perated controls. Pregnancy-associated murine protein-1 levels and fib
ronectin levels were lower in the circulation of all operated animals
compared with the intact controls. The serum levels of alpha-2 macrogl
obulin were elevated in all operated animals compared with the pen-ope
rated controls. Circulating complement factors C3e and C4 were present
at significantly lower levels in PH animals than in rats following la
parotomy. Small growth stimulating molecules (< 10 kDa) synthesized by
different organs during the regenerative process have been described
in the literature, but dialysates of the spleen and liver from non-ope
rated rats and PH rats showed no significant impact on serum levels of
the proteins in the present study.