Temporary hair loss is well accepted as a possible result of psoriatic
plaques. On the other hand, it is still a controversial issue whether
psoriasis can cause scarring alopecia. The following report presents
a 38-year-old woman who had been suffering from progressive hair loss
from chronic psoriatic plaques of the scalp for some years. Clinical e
xamination revealed an area of scarring alopecia in association with t
ypical features of psoriasis. Histology showed a cordlike fibrosis rep
lacing former hair follicles, a perivascular lymphohistiocytic infiltr
ate in the upper dermis occasionally invading the follicular epitheliu
m, and characteristic features of psoriasis of the scalp. The clinical
course and the lack of evidence for any other causes of scarring alop
ecia suggest an aetiopathogenetic link between psoriasis and scarring
alopecia. Knowledge of this relationship appears to be of practical si
gnificance, since efficient antipsoriatic therapy can stop hair loss a
nd thus may be able to prevent scarring.