DNA restriction endonuclease fragment analysis was used to obtain new
information on the genomic organization of Vicia ribosomal DNA (rDNA),
more particularly among V. faba and its close relatives and the taxa
within three (Narbonensis, Villosa, Sativa) species' complexes. Total
genomic DNA of 90 accessions representing 49 Vicia species was restric
ted with 11 enzymes, and the restriction fragments were probed with th
ree ribosomal clones. Twenty-eight repeat unit length classes were ide
ntified. The number of length classes (1-2) per accession did not corr
espond to the number of nucleolar organizing regions (NORs). The numbe
r of rRNA genes was independent of the 2C nuclear DNA amount present i
n the taxon. Each of the 90 accessions had 2 (rarely 1)-4 DraI sites.
Those taxa with the same number of DraI sites generally could be disti
nguished from each other by different configurations. Probing of the D
NA samples digested with tetranucleotide recognition restriction endon
ucleases emphasized differences between divergent spacer regions and e
nabled relative homologies between the coding regions to be establishe
d. Overall, rDNA restriction site variation among the species showed a
good correlation with taxonomic classification. The rDNA analysis ind
icated evolutionary relatedness of the various taxa within the Narbone
nsis species complex. rDNA diversity within two other species complexe
s (Villosa, Sativa), on the other hand, was more extensive than expect
ed. With few exceptions, data on the two complexes give evidence of ta
xon-specific divergences not seen with other approaches. The restricti
on site variability and repeat length heterogeneity in the rDNA repeat
exhibited startling differences between V. faba and its close wild re
latives included in the Narbonensis species complex. This analysis pro
vides new evidence that none of the species within the complex can be
considered to be putative allies of broad bean.