On an averaged QRS-T cycle from a 15-lead record (12-lead electrocardi
ogram + XYZ leads) and through interactive editing, four electrocardio
graphic indices of the dispersion of ventricular repolarization (DVR)
are automatically computed and represent the maximal interlead differe
nce of QT and JTend and QT and JTapex. The values of these indices wer
e then examined in three clinical groups matched for age and sex: norm
al subjects (control), patients with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH
group), and patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM group) wit
hout ventricular arrhythmias and without interacting drugs. The mean v
alues of all four DVR indices were significantly increased in the HCM
group compared with the control group and the LVH group of another ori
gin (ie, for the QTe dispersion index, the mean values and the 97.5th
percentiles were, respectively, 65 +/- 18 ms and 97 ms in the HCM grou
p, 41 +/- 25 ms and 79 ms in the LVH group, and 31 +/- 15 ms and 58 ms
in the control group). The maximal QT interval was also significantly
longer in the HCM group (464 +/- 30 ms) than in the LVH group (436 +/
- 32 ms) and the control group (428 +/- 25 ms).