The electrochromic reaction of titanium oxide films prepared by r.f. s
puttering was studied. Chronoamperometric experiments associated with
transmittance spectra in LiClO4-propylene carbonate solutions were car
ried out and compared with the optical properties of titanium oxide fi
lms with different stoichiometries. It was verified that the colour ch
anges produced by stoichiometry deviation and by electro-intercalation
are similar, because the maximum absorption bands in both cases are c
entred at the same wavelength and the molar absorption coefficients ar
e similar; these observations can be explained by the mixed valence th
eory deduced for non-stoichiometric metallic oxides. The analysis of t
he j vs. E and [d(OD)/dt] vs. E potentiodynamic profiles is an interes
ting method for studying the kinetic mechanisms of electrochromic reac
tions without interference from parallel reactions.