This retrospective study describes the clinical, radiographic and hist
ological features of 26 paradental cysts. These cysts comprised 0,9 %
of the 2700 cases of jaw cysts diagnosed in 9 years. The true incidenc
e is, however, probably greater since many cases are misdiagnosed. The
cysts occurred in relation to partly or fully erupted teeth and were
all located in the mandible. An equal sex distribution was found and c
linical symptoms in the form of swelling was the main finding especial
ly for the paradental cysts located in the first and second molar area
. The radiographic characteristics of the paradental cysts were found
to be rather variable. The borders of the cysts adjacent and distal to
the third molars were more distinct than the borders of the cysts in
the first and second molar area. Histologically, all the cysts were li
ned by a nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium with edema and
migration of neutrophils through the epithelium. In most cases, the ep
ithelium was markedly hyperplastic. The connective tissue wall was inf
iltrated by neutrofils, lymfocytes and plasmacells.