Marketing information system (MKIS) has been the nerve center of a mar
keting organization in corporate America. To measure its strengths and
weaknesses, one may use its overall status in industries as a yardsti
ck. The objective of this effort was to determine the overall status o
f MKISs in top U.S. companies. In order to identify the progress of MK
ISs, the findings of this study are compared to those of a similar stu
dy made in 1985. Apparently, MKISs today are more sophisticated than b
efore and that MKIS usage has increased. However, many companies are n
ot utilizing the latest information technologies and many marketing ma
nagers are not satisfied with their MKISs. The study further discusses
possible reasons for the progress and recommends several actions thro
ugh which the companies may shape the future of their MKISs.